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Carriers, Products, Other Information GO TO CONTRACTING

Online Back office Website

We have developed FREE Back Office which includes:
CRM, Appointment Manager, Lead Manager, Client Manager, Upload Documents, Relationship Management, Business Management and many add-on available .

Branding for your Agency

All sites can be customized with your logo and agency information.
All Leads and Client information is 100% yours and never shared.
Our Add-on programs assist in the marketing of your Agency & Brand.

Agent Platform Website

With both Online Self-Serve and Agent-facing applications, re-imagine and scale your business to new heights.

Online self-Serve sales

Market leads to become client all from the phone to your website.
Go from sign-up to activating first policy in an hour, with 24/7 access to an account manager.

“A Simpler Easier Way”

INS Today